Dr Matthew D. Holmes
BAppSc/BCSc PostGradDipC DACNB,
Dr Holmes graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology’s School of Chiropractic, which is one of the premier universities in Australia. His qualification from RMIT is a double degree Bachelor of Applied Science (Clinical Science)/Bachelor of Chiropractic Science. He completed his undergraduate training in 1995. He then completed a year of postgraduate field work in early 1997 after travelling to the UK in 1996. This led to his post-graduate Diploma of Chiropractic. In 2008 he received the qualification Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board (DACNB) after undertaking extensive studies in Neurology with Logan University (USA) and the Carrick Institute of Graduate Studies (USA).
He was also a Founding Fellow and the former Secretary of the Australasian Academy of Functional Neurology, as well as a Fellow of the American College of Functional Neurology. He is a Program Co-Ordinator at the Australian Chiropractic College, and an Assistant Professor at the Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies. He is currently undertaking a PhD at RMIT University investigating interventions for balance in older adults, and was a Sessional Lecturer and Tutor at RMIT University in Neurology and Neuroscience for the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences from 2006 to 2024.
He is a Member of the Australian Chiropractors Association and is registered with the Chiropractic Board of Australia (AHPRA).
He is the author of the chapter “Headache” and co-author of the chapter “The Cerebellum and Vestibular System” in Functional Neurology for Practitioners of Manual Medicine published in 2011 by Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. He was the lead author of “What are the temporal and physical characteristics of locally applied vibration that modulate balance in older adults? – A systematic review of the literature.” published in 2024.(1)
Dr Holmes practises at our Centre on Wednesday mornings. To book an appointment with Dr Holmes, phone 03 8652 1628 or click here to Book Online.
1. Holmes MD, Vindigni D, Moreland A, Bolton PS. What are the temporal and physical characteristics of locally applied vibration that modulate balance in older adults? – A systematic review of the literature. Gait & Posture. 2024;111:75-91. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2024.04.011